Modern love is a product of capitalism; From a Marxist eye
One knows love transcends everything and is always endless, but capitalism shapes it in a way that promotes materialism in love to satisfy economic goals. That materialistic love is the modern love we know today.
Capitalism shapes romantic love and relationships. From the view of Marxism, our deep emotions and romantic relationships are influenced due to economic forces which are deeply rooted in individuals and society. In capitalism, the social and economic environment affects the way relationships are made. This means that there is an interplay between economics and emotions where emotions are driven to sustain capitalism so that capitalists' economic needs are fulfilled.
Romantic love as a social construct to maintain capitalists' status quo
Romantic love we know today was not known before the Industrial Revolution. After that revolution, capitalism created the idea of Romantic love for people as a means of happiness and satisfaction. That people could be ultimately successful if they were in romantic love rather than seeking economic growth as success. It is a social construct, not a natural construct, emphasizing romantic love as a pursuit of happiness and stabilizing the status quo.
Commodified emotions of romantic partners
Capitalism sees persons as a commodity. The same is true with their emotions, which are treated as commodities too that are exploited for the economic gains of capitalists. For example, dating apps are working as a selling market for individuals where love is seen as a package. People there are choosing the best partner to gain social status and economic security and love is becoming conditional. You are seeking a partner like you are shopping for a product in a market. This market-driven approach to love makes people fall into falseness of emotions which lack purity. Therefore, commodity fetishism is applied here, where the relationships are seen as symbols of success and fulfilment. So, finding this kind of success has become a norm. Everyone wants to find that partner who can give him a sense of success. In other words, it becomes an obligation.
Pure love transcends economic forces, but in capitalism, it has become materialistic. The basic deep human emotions are influenced in a way that people have become alienated from genuine emotions and are unable to experience what true love is. It is a true statement that everything, including our emotions, is entangled with the economy in capitalism It focuses shift from emotions to economic forces. We, living in a capitalist environment, approach love with rationality and self-control. We are not making love freely but in a controlled manner.